十星期演進 | Evolution in ten weeks

十星期演進 Evolution in ten weeks

猿人將在公園裡生活十個星期。The ape will live in the park for ten weeks.

Working days and hours: every Tuesday to Saturday, from 1pm to 6pm

1. 初到世界,害怕接觸人類,並漸漸學懂發聲 Afraid of connection with human beings and gradually able to give off sound

2. 萌生同伴的意識,觀察及學習人類 Aware of peers, begin observing and studying human beings

3. 開始製作工具,如石鎚、收集落葉編織 Able to make tools, like stone hammers, and collect leaves for weaving

4. 有了家的概念,以紙皮做成居所 Awareness of home by using cardboard boxes to make a house

5. 在石塊上塗鴉,是象形文字的雛形 Draw on stones using embryonic form of hieroglyphics

6. 對美始有追求,會撿拾公園的東西堆砌;對聲音感興趣,時常敲擊,如在石塊上 Emergence of the notion of beauty by collecting things from the park, begin stacking and arranging collections; interested in sound, make sound by tapping things in the park, like stones

7. 懂得說話並穿起人類衣服,主動向行人發問,介紹自己 Able to speak, actively ask and talk with the pedestrians while wearing human clothes

8. 藝術創作 Art making

9. 懂得閱讀及寫字 Able to read and write

10. 製造餘暇及? Leisure accrues and ?